10 Best Meet The Real Villain Moments In Movie History

6. "They Called Me Mr. Glass" - Unbreakable

Marta Knives Out
Buena Vista Pictures

M. Night Shyamalan's brilliantly slippery low-key superhero movie Unbreakable revolves around David Dunn (Bruce Willis), the sole survivor of a train crash who comes to discover that he's actually superhuman.

David's exploration of his abilities - namely super strength and extrasensory perception - are encouraged by Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson), a brittle-boned comic book obsessive whose fascination with David seems more curious than villainous.

David ends up using his ESP abilities to track down a murderous janitor, who appears to be the primary antagonist of the piece and is eventually slain by David in heroic fashion.

But Shyamalan has one final surprise for us. When David meets with Elijah again at the end of the film, he uses his abilities to learn that Elijah has caused numerous major catastrophes, including the opening train crash, in the hope of finding a superhuman.

Having discovered David's true nature, Elijah believes that he can be the supervillain to David's superhero, adopting his childhood nickname "Mr. Glass."

As David and the audience are left reeling from the truth, a closing title reveals that Elijah ended up committed to a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.

As much mockery as Shyamalan receives for his oft-unconvincing plot twists, this one really, really worked, even if his follow-up Glass ultimately failed to deliver on its promise.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.