10 Best Moments From The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Extended Edition

2. Thrain And Gandalf Fight

When In The Film Is It: When Gandalf arrives at Dol Guldur. What Happens: Gandalf is attacked shortly after arriving at the ruins by, who he discovers to be, Thrain, Thorin's father. Revealed to have been kidnapped after the Battle of Moria, Thrain has been brainwashed into thinking he can't leave. Using magic to dull the dwarves madness, Gandalf tries to help the dwarf king escape, but they are ambushed by Azog. Thrain is ultimately killed by the Necromancer. Why It's Great: This was a moment we first saw in the trailer for An Unexpected Journey, back when the series was going to be just two films. Now, over two years after seeing that tease, we finally see the scene in its entirety. But beyond that, the Extended version gives the Dol Guldur events some actual prominence, with Gandalf doing more than mumbling a few incantations before being ambushed.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.