10 Best Moments Of Foreshadowing In Star Wars History

7. Tobias Beckett's Warning To Han Solo - Solo: A Star Wars Story

Flying Space Leia Star Wars Last Jedi

With the fleshing out of Han Solo's character in Solo: A Star Wars Story came the introduction of several characters from his past. Arguably the most important was Tobias Beckett, who essentially took him under his wing and acted as a mentor to him.

One of the most important conversations the two had was when Tobias gave some advice on how he had survived for so long. He assumed that everyone would betray him and trusted no one. This way he was never disappointed or surprised.

Particularly after the deaths of Val and Rio, with only himself to truly look out for, there was always a risk of Tobias doing whatever was necessary to protect himself rather than thinking of Han or Chewie. This ultimately happened when Tobias found a way to get back into the good books of Dryden Vos.

Beckett betrayed Han by selling him out to Vos, telling him of the plan to give him fake coaxium. Taking into account the previous conversation, though, Han assumed that Beckett would betray him just as he had been instructed, and so double-bluffed and fooled both he and Vos. Yes, Beckett did betray Han Solo, but at least he gave him fair warning.

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