10 Best Moments Of Foreshadowing In Star Wars History

5. Luke's Projection On Crait - The Last Jedi

Flying Space Leia Star Wars Last Jedi

Say what you like about the sequel trilogy on the whole, The Last Jedi in particular, and its treatment of Luke Skywalker, seeing the iconic Jedi face down the First Order was awesome. Luke himself told audiences what he was going to do, but he kept it to himself that he would be projecting himself from across the galaxy.

There was still enough teasing that could have given this reveal away early, but fans would have had to look much harder for it. Starting with the almost impossible-to-notice, Luke’s footprints on the surface of Crait had no effect on the sand, indicating that there was no one actually there.

Then there is the fact that it was matter-of-factly established that there was just one way in or out of the stronghold on Crait. With the Resistance already inside, and with the First Order trying to batter down the door, it should have been obvious that when Luke showed his face he wasn’t really there. How could he have possibly gotten in?

Finally, there is the question of his choice of lightsaber. Ever since losing his blue saber in Empire Strikes Back, Luke sported his green sword, even throughout The Mandalorian, and flashbacks to nearly murdering his own nephew. Why then did he choose the blue lightsaber given back to him by Rey? Could this have been a hint that it wasn’t the real Luke since he wasn’t sporting the usual green?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.