10 Best Moments Of Foreshadowing In Star Wars History

3. Jedi Knights Can Be Killed - The Phantom Menace

Flying Space Leia Star Wars Last Jedi

When Anakin Skywalker was a child, the Jedi Order was strong. In the past there had been 10,000 Jedi Knights guarding the galaxy, the Council had a prominent place on Coruscant alongside the Senate, and their powers were the stuff of legends. They were basically superheroes.

Living on Tattooine as a slave of Watto's, Anakin likely dreamed of being rescued by a Jedi Knight, and when Qui-Gon and co. arrived in Watto's shop, it didn't take him long to realise exactly what the mysterious man was.

In a conversation over dinner, Anakin gushed somewhat over the skill and prowess of the Jedi Knights. Proudly, the future Council Member explained that no one could ever kill a Jedi, though Qui-Gonn was forced to disagree with him. He wished it were true, certainly, but the Jedi were not invincible, something that he himself proved before the movie was over.

Qui-Gon famously fell thanks to Darth Maul's double-ended lightsaber, disproving Anakin's theory once and for all. Anakin himself would then grow up to kill his fair share of Jedi as part of Order 66, many of them younglings no older than he was when he first learned this valuable lesson.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.