10 Best Movie End Credits Ever

2. 22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street is a rare comedy sequel that truly lives up to the surprising brilliance of its predecessor, and that's largely thanks to the movie's bold-faced acceptance that it's totally unnecessary.

The film takes constant jabs at its own existence, all the way to a legendary end credits sequence which hypes up dozens of theoretical (and sadly, fictional) sequels and spin-offs.

These sequels run all the way from 23 Jump Street to the desperate sci-fi romp 2121 Jump Street, and see the pair heading off to medical school, Russia, the sea, art school, culinary school, veterinary school, Sunday school, flight academy, ninja academy, fireman school, traffic school, military school, scuba class, dance academy, retirement home, magic school, beauty school, and - gasp - mariachi school.

And on top of all this, we're even shown outrageous cutaways to a video game, several action figures, a lunch set, an animated series and an...electronic dick-shooting target game. Yup.

The sequence might honestly be the most effort-filled end credits in the history of cinema, between both the surprisingly effective - and hilarious - poster mock-ups, and also the footage accompanying each movie.

That's not to forget some brilliant cameos from the likes of Bill Hader, Seth Rogen (replacing Jonah Hill amid a "contract dispute"), Anna Faris and old Jump Street alum Richard Grieco.

In addition to being a delicious lampoon of perfunctory franchise sequels, it is a gut-busting exercise in escalation all on its own.

But it sadly didn't feature the most outlandish proposition of all: a crossover with the Men in Black franchise that very nearly happened.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.