10 Best Movie Twists You Genuinely Never Saw Coming

7. Tyler Durden Doesn't Exist - Fight Club

Arrival Movie

If anyone tells you they saw Fight Club's Earth-shattering plot twist coming, don't believe them.

David Fincher's surreal drama of course revolves around an unnamed narrator protagonist (Edward Norton) - a disaffected white-collar worker whose life is turned upside down by his new acquaintance, a mysterious soap salesman named Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt).

And so, the pair form an underground fight club to vent their frustrations with the modern world, but as the movement grows, it mutates into a sprawling terrorist organisation far beyond the control of our "hero."

Tyler's ultimate plan is to destroy a series of buildings containing credit card data, effectively resetting the debt record and annihilating one of the key tenets of modern capitalism as we know it.

Yet Fincher's film is quite ingeniously so bizarre, hilarious, visually stunning, and well acted enough as to distract from the big twist hiding in plain sight: Tyler doesn't exist.

Shortly before Tyler announces his skyscraper-levelling goal, the narrator learns that Tyler is in fact a disassociated personality residing within his own mind.

Basically, any time we see Tyler doing anything, it's actually the narrator, who through his insomnia-induced psychosis and general distaste for the rat race has fabricated Tyler, who represents everything he wishes he was.

Literally countless films have ripped this twist off in the near-25 years since, but every single one pales in comparison to the flabbergasting brilliance of Fight Club's big reveal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.