10 Best Movies With An Unseen Enemy

6. Bambi

Bambi Mother Death

Anyone who still has a semblance of a heart in these cold, uncaring times can't think about Disney's Bambi without getting all misty-eyed, an alternately charming and heart-wrenching film best remembered for the sequence where little Bambi's beloved mother is mercilessly gunned down by a hunter.

And while it's easy to forget - because, let's be honest, the human brain can only stomach this horror once a decade - the man responsible for killing Bambi's mum is never actually seen on screen.

His actions are certainly felt, obviously, and the animals make continual references to his presence throughout the film, but he's never physically seen, nor does he speak, have a name or really do anything you'd typically expect from a Disney villain. Hell, he doesn't even die in the end.

Originally, Disney planned to show the man to the audience but decided against it, as well as a deleted scene where Bambi and his dad discover the man's corpse in the aftermath of the forest fire.

Impressively, despite his minimal presence, the hunter made the AFI's list of 50 greatest movie villains back in 2003, being the only character on the list who the audience never sees.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.