10 Best Naval War Films You Need To See

2. Greyhound

Master and Commander

Most naval war films typically tackle direct combat between vessels, but the most recent film on the list, Greyhound, takes a different approach. It's all about the merchant ship convoy that re-supplied Britain throughout the war and the efforts to defend it from enemy attack.

The always brilliant Tom Hanks leads the way as Commander Ernest Krause, whose task is to be on the lookout and keep the German U-boats away from the vital supplies. As we come to see in the film, this is easier said than done. Despite the film initially appearing to be slower paced, keeping us locked on Krause's perspective aboard the titular ship makes for great drama.

The audience ends up feeling just as stressed as he does; devastating attacks from submarine torpedoes could come at any moment, with each crushing loss draining the resources of a key ally in the war. As the fleet of 37 ships makes the perilous journey to Liverpool, we bear witness to the ferocity of the German assault, something which proved a massive obstacle as the allies worked to counter their technology.

Greyhound may have been limited to an Apple TV release, but it's worth seeking out when it eventually arrives on other services.

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War Films
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A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website https://robc25.wixsite.com/thecainagecritique and my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftJ6WcozDaECFfjvORDk3w