10 Best Netflix & Chill Films For Valentine's Day

3. Punch-Drunk Love

punch-drunk love
Columbia Pictures

If for some reason your date fancies watching €an Adam Sandler film€ this Valentine's Day, Paul Thomas Anderson's Punch-Drunk Love is the ultimate way to fulfil that stipulation while introducing your potential (or current) partner to some seriously great film-making.

Punch-Drunk Love follows Adam Sandler as the painfully socially anxious Barry Egan and his journey towards self-worth (which ultimately enables him to engage in a romantic relationship with Emily Watson's Lena Leonard). If Adventureland depicts romantic awkwardness it's with a healthy dose of €'quirky'€ sprinkled on top, whereas Punch-Drunk Love strips away the quirky to present something completely raw.

At just an hour and a half long, it's possible to watch the entirety of Punch-Drunk Love and still have time to slip in some fooling around after. Because honestly, doing anything but giving Paul Thomas Anderson your full attention is a cinematic crime, and should be punishable by making the culprits watch the rest of Adam Sandler's filmography.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.