10 Best One Scene Performances In Horror Movies

1. Leland Orser - Se7en

Little Shop of Horrors Bill Murray
New Line Cinema

David Fincher's dark detective tale truly is a tour-de-force in acting. Looking at the performances of Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, and Kevin Spacey, there's no question everyone brought their A-game. 

However, despite sharing the screen with Hollywood legends and Academy Award winners, Leland Orser more than managed to hold his own in Se7en. In the scene in question, Detective Somerset is interrogating Orser's character, who was forced at gunpoint to r*pe a prostitute to death with a bladed strap-on. Orser's character, simply credited as "Crazed Man in Massage Parlour", tries to cooperate despite still processing the trauma he recently experienced.

While watching this scene, it's difficult to believe Orser is simply acting. Every lip quiver, hyperventilated breath, and stuttered word is so convincing, it looks like the actor is having a panic attack for real. Still, portraying the character this hysterical is necessary to convey how devastated he is after he was forced to commit murder in such a perverse and excruciating manner. 

Even though Leland Orser has had a consistent career, he's still mostly recognised for his faultless performance in Se7en even though he only had two minutes of screen time in that 1995 picture.

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