10 Best One Scene Performances In Horror Movies

8. Stephen Root - The Empty Man

Little Shop of Horrors Bill Murray
20th Century Fox

Few great horror flicks have had less luck in recent years than David Prior's The Empty Man. It had awful test screenings, was shelved for three years, tanked at the box office, and received mixed reviews when it was finally released.

However, the supernatural spook story has developed a cult following in the time since its 2020 release, largely due to its inventive spin on the boogeyman trope. The Empty Man also should be commended for its stellar cast, including Stephen Root who plays cult leader Arthur Parsons.

Although cult leaders are often portrayed as caricatures, Root's character feels authentic, as Arthur speaks with such fervency as if he adamantly believes his dogma. He comes across as so knowledgeable and charismatic, it's easy to understand how he's maintained such sway over his followers. With that said, there's a glint of intimidation draped around the demagogue's demeanour, highlighting his true intentions.

Arthur Parsons is such a fascinating character, it seems like he'll play a major part in the overarching narrative. On the contrary, though, as he never shows up again. He leaves such a lasting impression, it's a shame his character wasn't explored further.


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