10 Best Opening Scenes From Movie Sequels

8. Skyfall - License To Be Killed

Tom Cruise Mission Impossible 3

With the series coming off the back of a rather disappointing follow-up to 2006's riveting Casino Royale with the lacklustre Quantum of Solace in 2008, Sam Mendes knew he had to do something drastic to lock fans back into the 007 franchise.

Throwing James Bond (Daniel Craig) into a compelling chase across the roofs and train tracks of Istanbul wasn't a bad way to start, but things were soon ramped up a couple of shocking notches as the fight to capture a mercenary reached its climax. With Eve Moneypenny's (Naomie Harris) sights set on both Bond and the target, both battling on top of a speeding train, the agent is forced to take a hazardous shot with her rifle by M (Judi Dench), unfortunately missing the mercenary and launching Bond off the vehicle and into the water far down below.

Presumed dead as Moneypenny confirms to MI6 that there is indeed an "agent down", Skyfall delivers the ultimate gut punch before the opening credits have even rolled. Good thing we had Adele's dulcet tones to nurse us through the trauma.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...