10 Best Recent Guilty Pleasure Horror Movies You Probably Missed

6. My Best Friend’s Exorcism

Willy's Wonderland
Amazon Prime Video

Abby (Elsie Fisher) and Gretchen (Amiah) are two high school besties who do everything together. Well, except get possessed by a ghost. It’s only Gretchen who does that. 

This is the plot of My Best Friend’s Exorcism, an Amazon Prime movie directed by Damon Thomas and released in 2022. It’s adapted from a novel by Grady Hendrix, although this version leans more into the comedic side of the story, as a spirit-infested Gretchen runs riot throughout school with Abby attempting to bring her back to the light. 

There’s more than a hint of Jennifer’s Body to this, which is not a bad thing, as it combines all the fun of a teen drama with enough scares to keep things interesting. It’s a little bit trashy, but that’s ok, all the best teen movies are. 

With absolutely zero need to engage your brain with it on, My Best Friend’s Exorcism is the perfect film to stick on if you just want to veg out and let some horror content enter your eyeballs. The main cast are decent, the plot is workable, and there’s a scene involving Christian-themed bodybuilders. 

What more could you possibly ask for?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.