10 Best Recent Horror Movies You Need To See
The very best of what you missed.

Still early into this big bold year that is 2022, we have plenty to get excited about in the coming year. But whilst it’s always good to look forward, it’s also worth taking a peek back into recent history to find any gems you might have missed out on.
In recent years we’ve had a pretty good serving of fresh, quality horror. From more cerebral, thriller-esque pieces like Remi Weekes’ stunning ‘His House’, to slasher fun in the schlocky Fear Street trilogy, we’ve had our fill of scary stories.
With so much on offer, there’s a good chance that some quality flicks have soared by without you having the chance to watch them; we’re talking giant blockbusters to streaming exclusives, acclaimed directors newest opuses and up-and-comers’ first hits.
Horror is as alive and well as ever, and even creeping into the mainstream in quite a positive way. Occasionally we’re let down with some horrible remakes or sequels, but we can try to maintain our positivity by focussing on the recent horrors that met and exceeded our expectations, or maybe took us completely by surprise in a fun new way.
Let’s not think about the 2022 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I’ve got a whole load of much better movies for you to dwell on!
10. The House (2022)

Stepping away from the usual gore and guts that the uninitiated expect from every horror, The House is a fascinating tale told in three parts, all created through stop-motion animation.
Certainly erring more on the side of ‘thriller’ or maybe ‘creepy, intriguing think-piece’, this concise 90 minute masterpiece splits its time between three locations, stories and sets of characters. It would be easy to miss because of its rather niche appeal: there isn’t exactly a giant market for ‘British stop-motion anthology thriller’ movies. Hard to believe, right?
Now this one is heavy on allegory - so if you’re not up for having a big think on what you’ve just watched then maybe give it a miss. Each story has meanings that it buries below the surface, just at varying levels. You’re left to your own devices to reach conclusions about what it all means, and whilst that isn’t for everyone I thought it was quite beautiful.
There are also bug-rats. Take from that what you will, but any movie with big ol’ bug-rats has got to be at least a bit creepy.