10 Best REVERSE Horror Movies
9. Carrie (1976)

Carrie was Stephen King's first commercially successful novel and with over one million copies sold in it's first year, the movie option was inevitable. No complaints here, as the resulting film was the gateway to the SIX DECADES of the uniquely King brand of horror: disturbingly familiar (everyone knows a King character), unpredictable and immensely satisfying.
While King has gathered a reputation in recent years as never being able to stick the landing, Carrie offers no such anticlimax. This is an ending that still leaves your brain in a state of disbelief, due in part to that fundamental switch in Carrie herself.
Poor Carrie. Kids can be notoriously cruel but this girl really suffers. Bullied at school, going through the confusing physical effects of puberty and with a religious maniac for a mother, Carrie's patience, it seems does have a breaking point. Humiliated and drenched in a bucket of pig's blood, she finally snaps at the high school prom, tearing the place apart with her telekinesis, murdering the narcissistic toe rags responsible, plus several members of the faculty in the process.
And the horror doesn't stop there. Afterwards she impales her own mother with a collection of kitchen knives and pulls the house down upon them both, dying in the film's climax.
What's really unsettling is Carrie's hand emerging from the grave in one of cinema's best horror jump scares, just when you think it's all over. From innocent victim to mass murdering super ghoul in less than half an hour - now that's a reverse horror.