10 Best Slasher Movies Since 2000

5. Silent Night

Severance Head Trap
TriStar Pictures

Speaking of remakes that improve upon the original, here’s a movie whose LA Times review should’ve been plastered across the DVD box: “The movie’s intended audience will be satisfied by its parade of gory mayhem, cheap thrills and groan-worthy dark humour. Everyone else: you’re on your own.”

All that remains of Charles E Selliers’ Silent Night Deadly Night (1984) is the plot device of a serial killer in a Santa costume and a sequence where a female victim is impaled on a set of antlers. Everything else has been jettisoned in favour of a more traditional (to say nothing of entertaining) narrative where a small town’s police force search for the killer.

Considering that the original film was picketed on its release by groups who took issue with the portrayal of Santa as a homicidal rapist, that was probably a good idea. Then again, Steven C Miller’s film gives Santa a flamethrower and in one sequence has him chase a naked starlet through the snow before feeding her to a shredder.

Miracle On 34th Street, this is not.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'