10 Best Spaghetti Westerns You Must See Before You Die

3. For A Few Dollars More

For A Few Dollars More
Columbia Pictures

A personal favourite of Leone's trilogy, but one never destined to usurp its more famous successors, For a Few Dollars More is right up there with the very best Westerns ever made.

Aided by a formidable Van Cleef at the peak of his game, Leone's sequel to his 1964 original improves on all its founding tenets, providing another blueprint for one of the genre's prevailing tropes (that of the older gunslinger teaming up with a younger equivalent) whilst also producing one of its finest finales.

Morricone's score is simply sublime, and the dynamic shared between Eastwood's Monco and Van Cleef's Colonel makes for one of the best Western partnerships ever.

It's powerful, and the emotional pay-off from the film's finale alone makes it one of the best in the genre. Fans will be unlikely to admit that this is more Van Cleef's film than it is Eastwood's, but again, it's another feature where the actor excelled in a more heroic role. Not to say that he wasn't a good villain too, though...

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.