10 Best Star Wars Cosplay Characters Ever
3. Chewbacca
Chewbacca, loyal sidekick to smuggler-turned-Rebel Han Solo, isn't much more than a big hunk of dog hair in the Holy Trilogy - like Boba Fett, it took the expanded universe to flesh out the wookiee co-pilot into a fully-fledged character in his own right, but (like Boba Fett) it didn't really matter to young fans of Star Wars (still not calling it A New Hope, nope), Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi. Chewbacca was over, in their minds if nothing else. Now, quite why anyone would want to painstakingly, lovingly put together a huge cross between a gorilla suit and a King Charles spaniel, keep it combed (it'd need a lot of combing) and then proceed to actually wear it for several hours at a time... that's beyond us, but it takes all sorts. It's a shame that there aren't very many decent male Han Solo cosplayers out there, because Chewbacca has a significant presence on the circuit. As it is, he has to make do with photo ops with desert Stormtroopers and, as above, a Gammorean Guard. The Gammorean Guards! Remember them? Like crosses between orcs and wild boar. Got all squeaky and oinky when they were nervous. Brilliant.