10 Best Vampire Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

6. The Wisdom Of Crocodiles (1998)

Trouble Every Day
Goldwyn Films

There are different types of vampires scattered throughout cinema, from the violent, inhumane bloodsuckers to the world conquerors, ghostly apparitions and, as popularised by the work of novelist Anne Rice, the tortured souls seeking humanity.

The Wisdom of Crocodiles, a sombre, melodic affair in which a reclusive vampire (Jude Law) finds he's only able to feed on women who have fallen in love with him, very much fits the Anne Rice mould, and does so with enough existentialism and moral quandaries to make it very much its own twisted and tragic beast.

Anchored by a desperate Jude Law, The Wisdom of Crocodiles paints vampirism as a curse, and puts its main focus on the victims of the vampire at its centre, who can't seem to escape his conflicted emotions and memories, no matter how hard he tries.

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