10 Better Movies That Were Secretly Hidden In Films

1. Black Ops Priests Battle Demons - Demonic

X Men Origins Wolverine Hugh Jackman
IFC Midnight

It sure isn't surprising that District 9 director Neill Blomkamp's new film Demonic turned out to be an abject critical failure, but damn if its trailer didn't suggest a much more interesting film encased inside.

Near the end of the trailer for the sci-fi horror film, a character says, "The Vatican has been funding a Black Ops unit, using priests like soldiers," accompanied by clips of badass priests kitting up to do battle with the primary demonic entity.

Except, this is a classic example of a marketing bait-and-switch, as the advertised battle never takes place: when protagonist Carly (Carly Pope) arrives on the scene, the Black Ops priests have all been killed off-screen by the demon.

It's one of the lousiest and most cynical anti-climaxes in any recent movie, though was presumably a budgetary decision intended to keep costs down and possibly due to the logistical challenges of shooting an involved set-piece during the height of the pandemic.

Those excuses don't make the end result sting much less, though, because Blomkamp directing an all-out war between geared-up soldier-priests and supernatural beasties was so much cooler than the scarcely coherent mish-mash of sci-fi and horror tropes viewers got saddled with.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.