10 Better Movies That Were Secretly Hidden In Films

4. The Congo Ground War - Independence Day: Resurgence

X Men Origins Wolverine Hugh Jackman
20th Century Fox

Despite being a sequel to one of the most iconic and commercially successful blockbusters of all time, Independence Day: Resurgence largely came and went in a whisper, failing to make much of a dent at all with the general public.

It probably didn't help that filmmaker Roland Emmerich set up a way, way more interesting movie with a single flippant line of dialogue, only to then dismiss it for the rest of the runtime.

As we're introduced to Dikembe Umbutu (DeObia Oparei), the Congolese warlord of the National Republic of Umbutu, it's mentioned that the nation of Umbutu fought a decade-long ground war against the pockets of alien resistance still residing on Earth following the events of the first film.

Sadly we don't get any sort of flashback to this, which sounds like a far cooler concept that the scattered, unfocused mess of generic alien action we ended up with.

Watching the Umbutu forces take on the remaining aliens in an intense ground skirmish, with limited weaponry no less, could've made for a lean, no-nonsense standalone sequel or spin-off that also wouldn't have required such a grotesquely bloated budget.

Sadly due to Resurgence colossally underperforming at the box office, it's safe to say that the franchise is pretty much dead now.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.