10 Big Questions From Captain Marvel Trailer

2. Why Is The Cinematography So Dull?

Captain Marvel Brie Larson
Marvel Studios

Easily the most disappointing thing about this teaser is the fairly mediocre visuals, for while the CGI looks mostly solid, much of the cinematography is straight-up ugly.

Images have a garish digital quality to them that evokes the look and feel of a gritty, grounded Michael Mann film: shots look overly smooth and lack the cinematic feel you'd expect from an epic superhero film.

It's especially disappointing as the film is being lensed by Ben Davis, who delivered spectacular cinematography in both Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange.

This decidedly tackier aesthetic is rather TV-like, feeling oddly low-key and uninviting like the underwhelming visuals of the Ant-Man films. Considering Captain Marvel's supposed to be the MCU's answer to Superman, you have to wonder why this film, budgeted at $152 million no less, looks so utterly unremarkable.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.