10 Biggest (And Weirdest) Lawsuits In Star Wars History
8. Disney Takes The Force Awakens' Secrecy To A Very Expensive Level

Nobody likes movies being spoiled for them, but it's not exactly a crime that's worthy of legal punishment. Or so you'd think.
In early 2015, Disney set its lawyers on the case after spoilerific images from Star Wars: The Force Awakens - which, at the time, was just under a year from release - began doing the rounds on ImageShack.
These images allegedly depicted what we now know to be Kylo Ren and his red, crossguard lightsaber, with the Mouse House actually wanting to take the case to court in an effort to unmask the anonymous uploader.
ImageShack swiftly deleted the offending material, and it's not clear how far the case went. Disney was seeking up to $150,000 from the liable parties, which is pocket change for a company of that size, but regardless, the message was clear: don't spoil Star Wars, or you shall incur the wrath of the Mouse.