10 Biggest Controversies In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. Jeremy Renner Calls Black Widow A Slut

One of the finest examples demonstrating the truthfulness of the phrase "humour is subjective" that you'll ever witness, the moment Jeremy Renner publicly called Black Widow a "slut" (and Chris Evans followed him up with "whore") gained an insane amount of media attention, and eventually forced both actors to issue public statements apologising for their words.

This was very clearly a joke, but a lot of people took it the wrong way. It sparked dozens and dozens of articles and debates. Are Renner and Evans sexist? Have the movies over-sexualised Black Widow? Should famous actors, role models for millions and millions of young kids, be making comments like this?

The story made for a great headline so you can't really blame the press for running with it, but this resulted in a second, different bit of controversy, with another group of people becoming angry that the actors were being victimized for making a harmless joke.

No matter your stance on the subject, it's important to acknowledge that these comments were only made because the people making them thought they were funny, and not because they have any negative feelings toward Black Widow. But does that make the insults ok? Like we said, humour is subjective - so that's up to you.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.