10 Biggest Fan Service Moments In Comic Book Movies

8. Logan's Facial Hair - Logan

MCU Reed Richards Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness John Krasinski

For the most part, James Mangold's Logan managed to avoid the kind of fan service you might expect to see in a movie based around such a popular character, particularly one who was supposed to be giving his final performance, though at the time there was no way of knowing about Deadpool 3's plans.

Instead of cheap call-backs and references, Wolverine's third solo movie was a powerful, character-driven piece that served as a truly epic send-off. That being said, even a movie such as this wasn't immune to bowing to fan service completely.

If there was to be one critique of Wolverine as a character throughout the Fox movies, it's that his appearance was never strictly comics-accurate. Hugh Jackman was too tall compared to his comic counterpart, and though it was teased, there was never the classic comics-accurate X-Men suit.

In Logan however, Mangold threw fans a bone with the character's facial hair. While asleep at Eden, the kids decided to shave Logan's beard into the iconic look from the comics. This was, of course, something that infuriated Logan within the realms of the story, but put smiles on the faces of comic book fans in cinemas everywhere.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.