10 Biggest Implications Of Marvel's Massive Phase 4 Delay

6. Production Could Resume This September

Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

It was recently reported that everyone working on Marvel Studios productions had been sent home and told that they couldn't be given a return date for when work would start up again on both their big and small screen projects. This came after they received an email confirming that Disney, "no longer believe a 4-week suspension is realistic."

However, an update has now been shared which claims that Marvel Studios execs have, "convened and began studying models that might allow them to determine when they can get back to work."

That may sound a tad vague, but one suggested potential projection for work in both Atlanta and Los Angeles to resume is this September. Now, we don't know what that means for something like Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings (which has been shooting in Australia), but this definitely bodes well for the majority of Marvel Studios productions, including the aforementioned TV shows.

This is also a target which lines up with the overall release date shuffle, but should things still not be back to normal by the Autumn, more delays are, unfortunately, an inevitability.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.