10 Biggest Lies Comic Book Movie Fans Tell Themselves

8. DC Can Topple Marvel

marvel vs dc

Even as a DC fanboy, it's obvious that as usual, DC, quietly sniggering and hoping it'd fail, have let Marvel take the insane risk with their MCU and now, with Marvel's insane success they're on the back-foot trying their level best to catch up and claim some of the ridiculous riches that an extended cinematic comic book universe has proven to promise.

But now DC are rushing to the party, and unfortunately the framework that was so expertly put in place by Marvel was never built by DC, who's entire cinematic universe has sand foundations and threatens to fall in on itself at any given second.

There's hope for DC still (of course there is, DC has Batman!) but this DC fanboy claim that the DCEU can even come close to Marvel, let alone topple Marvel's stranglehold on the genre, is laughable at best. Offensive at worst.

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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.