10 Biggest Losers In The Star Wars Universe

3. Padmé Amidala

The second of two significant political blunders, and by far the worst. Queen Amidala of Naboo, aka the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, isn€™t the greatest judge of character: but we€™ll skip past the part where she falls for, marries and has children with a pretty slab of wood with a creepy shark€™s grin who€™s clearly got more issues than Time Magazine. No, Anakin Skywalker may be a walking neurosith and the biggest mistake of her life, but he€™s not the dumbest. That would be her failure to see through the obvious façade of Senator Palpatine. She doesn€™t necessarily need to have put two and two together and figured out that he€™s an evil Sith Lord by the name of Darth Sidious who can boil her brain in her skull like an egg yolk€ but Palpatine isn€™t exactly the most subtle or irresithtable of manipulators. He pantomime-villains his way through every film, after all.
When Amidala appeals for help in lifting the blockade from Naboo, the senate are typically lacklustre in their response, and Palpatine€™s insithtent whispers in her ear lead her to call for a vote of no-confidence in the current Chancellor, Finis Valorum€ leading to Palpatine himself being elected as his replacement. Naïveté leads to stupidity, leads to war, and eventually the fall of the republic and Empire€ not to mention the fact that Palpatine is responsible for her husband€™s metamorphosith into a mass-murdering loony-tunes, which directly leads to her death.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.