10 Biggest Mistakes That Completely Ruined The Hobbit Trilogy

5. The Length Of Each Movie

Someone needs to get Peter Jackson a new editor, because Jabez Olssen, his current collaborator, doesn't appear to have even a vague understanding of acceptable film length. Since The Lord Of The Rings, every one of Jackson's films has been noticeably too long - King Kong was almost double the length of the original and The Lovely Bones bloated a hundred-minute thriller with numerous hollow effects shots - but things went way too far with The Hobbit. On top of not having little in the way of stand-alone narrative, the individual movies are bladder-bustingly long. The Hobbit is a children's book shorter than any one of the three volumes of The Lord Of The Rings, and yet has been made into a film series that runs only an hour and a half shorter. Isn't that the most ridiculous base statistic that highlights just how far from the original idea The Hobbit movies got? Had they each ran ninety minutes there'd have been the question of why not just make one film, but at least all of the stuff included would have been justified and the overall experience would have been much less ponderous. Do you need a dwarf washing up song? Do you you need to have a mythology-breaking dwarf/elf love story? Do you need the big climax to spend half its time on Legolas playing Mario? Of course you bloody don't. The Lord Of The Rings movies each circled the three-hour mark, but there the material was so dense it was the only way to do it justice.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.