10 Biggest Mistakes The DCEU Has Ever Made

7. Sinking Batman V Superman With "Martha!"

The Flash Ezra Miller
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman v Superman had a host of problems, but the film's fate was well and truly sealed with one single word - "Martha!"

During the heroes' long-awaited mid-film battle, Batman is about to straight-up kill Superman when the Man of Steel implores him to "save Martha."

Superman is of course talking about his adoptive mother Martha Kent (Diane Lane), but given that Bruce's mother's name was also Martha, it gives him a moment for pause, and he decides against killing Supes.

Though the emotional crux of the scene is that Batman is finally able to humanise Superman by realising that he has a mother, the execution is overwhelmingly clunky.

Worst of all is Superman awkwardly referring to his mother as Martha for the dramatic needs of the scene. After all, who the hell calls their mother by their first name?

The scene was widely - and rightly - ridiculed by fans, and given that it's the emotional foundation on which the Justice League is ultimately formed, bungling it so catastrophically did tremendous harm to the franchise's overall integrity.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.