10 Biggest Mistakes Zack Snyder Has Made In His Movies (So Far)

2. The Destruction Of Metropolis - Man Of Steel

Of all the ruthless nitpicks comic book fans have found with Man of Steel, this one is by far the most valid. The climax of Man of Steel isn't poorly done, it is simply overdone. The violence in this sequence is so over-the-top, it's very possible to mistake this for a Clash of the Titans movie instead of a Superman one. By the end of the sequence, Metropolis is a post apocalyptic wasteland, an image that seems starkly overdone even for a film that opened by destroying a planet. Everything in the above paragraph has been said time and time again by numerous detractors of Snyder's Superhero epic. What makes this scene uniquely misguided is Zack Snyder's inept defense of it when asked. His response was he wanted Zod and Kal-El's fight to be "operatic", and the destruction they cause was not meant to be realistic, but rather heightened for the sake of melodrama. This would be a fine enough defense, if Snyder hadn't concerned the first 2 hours of this film (and every single pre-release interview) establishing that he wanted to make this Superman movie believable in a "realistic" context. If that contradiction isn't enough, the fight with Zod and Superman, which sent both of them careening through numerous massive buildings, concludes with Superman taking a life to save four humans. If the point of this film was to establish how important human life is to Superman, Snyder wasn't really paying close attention to the message he was sending with all the architectural terrorism going on in this finale.

Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.