10 Biggest Mysteries That Upcoming Movies Must Solve

7. Alien: Covenant Sequel - What Becomes Of David?

Soul Stone

Alien: Covenant left better questions hanging than its predecessor, the theologically-bloated Prometheus, but it still feels like there's a massive gap to bridge between the second prequel and the original Alien.

Ridley Scott reckons he needs another two movies to make the ends meet, but based on Covenant's underwhelming box office feats, that may be a big ask, so perhaps the series mastermind should serve up some answers next time out.

Arguably the biggest linger question hanging over the franchise is what becomes of David, Michael Fassbender's sinister Android? He's still at large at the end of Covenant, yet is nowhere to be seen in the original Alien films.

Alien Covenant Xenomorph

You can bet his ultimate fate is hugely significant for the series as a whole. Given his penchant for creating life, it would make sense if he sacrificed himself for his work and somehow managed to incorporate part of his makeup into the Xenomorph design. That would explain the mechanical elements in the creature's final form.

The next Alien film, providing Scott actually gets to make one, should focus on solving the mystery of what became of David between the prequels and the Nostromo's arrival on the scene in the 1979 classic.


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