10 Biggest Star Wars What Ifs

8. What If Rey Joined The Dark Side

Luke Skywalker Darth Vader

Fans were quite rightly hooked by the concept of Daisy Ridley's Rey potentially wandering into the Dark Side on the back of The Rise of Skywalker's teaser trailer footage hinting at an ominous future for the Sequel generation's chosen one.

Yet, instead of doubling down on all things Dark Rey by the time Episode IX eventually stuttered onto the scene, it was ultimately revealed that said heel turn was little more than a vision/fear of who should could become if she were to embrace her grandpap's relationship with the Force.

In what could undoubtedly offer up a ton of unexpected and instantly captivating alternate scenarios, however, Rey genuinely accepting her place as the next coming of Palpatine perhaps would've seen the inherently powerful Force-user actually join forces with Kylo Ren en-route to completely dominating the galaxy and squashing the Resistance.

Who knows, maybe Empress Palpatine's relentless quest for more power could even have led to Kylo Ren having second thoughts about the concept of ruling and bullying this universe, paving the way for a different variation of the long-awaited return of Ben Solo as the two inevitably come to blows over the fate of the galaxy far, far away...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...