10 Biggest WTF Moments From 2024 Movies (So Far)

9. Jesse Plemons' Terrifying Cameo - Civil War

Sasquatch Sunset

Jesse Plemons shows up for all of about 10 minutes in Alex Garland's political thriller Civil War and basically steals the whole damn movie away from the rest of the cast.

Plemons plays the unnamed leader of a uniformed militia who the central journalists end up stumbling across, all while said militia are busy burying civilians in a mass grave.

A tense standoff ensues as journo Joel (Wagner Moura) tries to reason with the militia, before Plemons' character coldly shoots one of their group, an Asian man, dead. 

He then interrogates the remaining journalists about where they hail from in the U.S., and then executes the other Asian member of the group.

It's bone-chillingly nauseating to watch - a racist militia picking off whoever it doesn't look the look of - the only relief from which comes when the remaining reporters are rescued by Sammy (Stephen McKinley Henderson).

It's all the more impressive a performance from Plemons given that he was a last-minute replacement for another actor who had become unavailable, giving him mere days to prepare for the pivotal scene.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.