10 Biggest WTF Moments From 2024 Movies (So Far)

5. The Car Crash Aftermath - The First Omen

Sasquatch Sunset
20th Century Studios

The First Omen is one of the year's most pleasantly surprising films to date, and by far the most memorable sequence occurs when pregnant novitiate Margaret (Nell Tiger Free) is involved in a car accident before her satanic pregnancy can be aborted.

In the aftermath, Margaret writhes and jerks around in the middle of the street, making bestial vocalisations not unlike those of a jackal, before her womb suddenly fills up and she's taken away by those who conspired to get her pregnant.

Anyone who's seen the Apple TV series Servant knows that Nell Tiger Free is one hell of an actress, but in this utterly mesmerising scene, where the camera remains almost entirely fixed on her gruelling physical performance, she outdoes herself once again.

The scene is very clearly a homage to the unforgettable sequence from 1981's Possession, where protagonist Anna (Isabelle Adjani) suffers a violent miscarriage in the subway, but it also stands on its own two feet as one of the most discomforting scenes from any recent horror movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.