As most of you would know, every movie suffers changes from the first draft of the script, until the release of the movie. Hell, some changes are made a couple of days BEFORE the movie actually comes out. During the long pre-production process several things must change, whether or not is the script, some character's name or backstory, to the director and in some cases even actors must come and go before the movie begins filming. Other times, some changes must be done during production, usually this changes are made because some actor or even several of them must leave the production for reasons that, are best, involve the actor being fired. At worst it's because some accident that will stop the actor for coming back to the production (A very tragic case occurred to Vic Morrow who died during the production of "Twilight Zone: The Movie"). Usually when something like this happens it changes completely the story of the film, either for good or for bad. But, once you've seen the movie you can't do but wonder what things did they cut off from the movie, maybe the whole movie would have changed if they kept a scene or two. Maybe a horrible film would have been turned into something great if they kept an important scene and vice versa. What follows now are 10 weird moments that were erased from movies, either during the film's pre-production or a couple of weeks before the release (as you'll see in a moment) and, we'll try to guess how much the film would have changed if said scenes took place in them. Spoiler Alert, some of these involve the ending of some films, so you're warned.