10 Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

1. No Ben Solo Force Ghost? - Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Emperor's Throne

Much like the grandfather he'd emulated for much of his life, Ben Solo ultimately redeemed himself just before dying and becoming one with the Force towards the end of The Rise of Skywalker.

So, it would have been safe to assume that, much like Anakin before him, he would've found a way to return as a Force Spirit before Episode IX reached its conclusion.

However, when Rey makes her way to Tatooine and eventually takes on the family name of Skywalker, Ben's ghost doesn't join Luke and Leia in giving their new adoptive family member a smile of acceptance.

Rey just suddenly deciding to head to the sandy planet she'd never been to, bury her former Master's lightsabers in the ground, and then go from Palpatine to Skywalker in the blink of an eye was likely enough to distract the majority of viewers away from the Ben-less ghost line-up.

But even if you choose to believe the long-time Kylo Ren just hadn't found the time to learn exactly how to return as a spirit from the Netherworld of the Force, the former Vader was able to come back after similarly sacrificing himself as he returned to the Light Side. So, why not Ben?

That being said, you were likely too busy wondering what in the hell you'd just watched to even care about Solo's baffling omission.

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