10 Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

5. Anakin's Chopped Off Arm Inconsistencies - Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Emperor's Throne

Episode II ended on a rather painful note for ol' Anakin Skywalker, with 'The Chosen One' getting his arm sliced off by Count Dooku late on.

During the moment shortly after lightsaber met flesh on Geonosis, it was evident that the Jedi had lost his limb from his bicep down. But fast forward to Episode III and something miraculous appeared to have happened!

Sure, Skywalker still had to have a bionic arm installed in order to continue fighting the apparent good fight for the Republic. However, when the tortured soul wakes up in the middle of the night in Revenge of the Sith, it looks as though his arm only needed to be replaced past the elbow.

In reality, George Lucas likely just changed his mind in-between films and decided that having Anakin sport a mechno-arm from the elbow down would probably act as a nice connection between him and his eventual son, who similarly dons a mechanical forearm/hand after a fight with his dad.

Either way, though, the inconsistency wasn't blatant enough to pull you out of ROTS altogether, and most fans were just too blinded by how awesome the cybernetic arm looked to give a damn about where it started.

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