10 Bizarre Ways Directors Tricked Audiences

8. Dancing On The Ceiling - Inception

There Will Be Blood
Warner Bros.

Christopher Nolan's movies often come with a fair amount of mind boggling concepts, whether that be narrative twists, ambiguous plot points, or his use of visual trickery. In an industry which can rely on CGI to create almost any scenario imaginable, Nolan has been notable for his use of practical effects.

One of the most visually stunning Nolan scenes came in 2007 when he depicted his characters performing supposedly impossible feats. At one point, the Inception crew are shown fleeing in a van while Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is unconscious. The van crashes and flips, which causes the dream world to start rotating. Arthur is then forced to duke it out with a bunch of dream-henchmen in a spinning hallway.

In order to create this effect in-camera, Nolan got his production team to construct one hundred feet of hallway, suspended inside a giant spinning rig, with a camera attached to the floor. As the rig span, the actors were forced to move from the floor, to the wall, to the ceiling, creating the illusion that gravity was being manipulated.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.