2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

It's somewhat ironic that a science-fiction film focused on extremely futuristic, sophisticated robots has such an archaic depiction of black people, by way of these two robot caricatures, Skids and Mudflap. Though it is rightly asserted that the Transformers soak in information about our world from pop culture, it does little to excuse the fact that these characters, loud-mouthed, crude, naughty, inarticulate, and even jive-talking, are clearly supposed to reinforce urban black stereotypes Hell, one of them even has a gold tooth, a touch that just feels like the artists have gone to extra efforts just to annoy people. Not only were the characters mind-numbingly grating, but extremely offensive, such that even director Michael Bay - hardly ever a paragon of racial sensitivity - decided not to include them in his third film. Without question, this troublesome duo sits along Jar Jar Binks as two of the most irksome CGI sidekicks in film history.