10 Blockbuster Leading Men So Boring They Almost Put Us To Sleep

7. Garrett Hedlund

Boring Blockbuster: Tron: Legacy (2010) Joseph Kosinski's sequel arrived a full 28 years after the original cult classic, and while the movie is visually stunning at times and boasts a great soundtrack, the human element in the story is sorely lacking. When even Jeff Bridges fails to give a strong performance, what chance did Garrett Hedlund have with such a poorly-realised character and stilted dialogue? Given the standard big-budget Hollywood character motivation of 'daddy issues' and little else to work with, Hedlund tries his best but just doesn't convince with his puppy-dog expressions and charisma-free lead performance that ranges all the way from wooden to just plain bland. Sure, a lot of blame can be laid at the hands of a weak script in a movie that favours visual style above character development, but in a production that was designed to sell tickets based on the eye-popping 3D Hedlund's performance is painfully flat and one-dimensional.

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