10 Body Horror Movies That Broke All The Rules

6. Akira

Tokyo Gore Police

Akira is a legendary film for many reasons, not least its enormously influential stature in the realms of both cyberpunk and animation, but also as a rarest of animated body horror movies.

This is realised through the character Tetsuo Shima, who develops telekinetic abilities following a motorcycle accident, which at film's end results in him mutating into a gigantic fleshy blob intent on consuming all matter in the vicinity.

Watching Tetsuo's mass expand, his skin tear, and his veins pop results in the sort of revoltingly detailed transformation that's incredibly difficult to pull off in live-action, ensuring Akira's body horror feels incredibly distinct in the genre.

When you consider that every single frame of the film was hand-drawn - and how gorgeous the film looks in its recent 4K restoration - it truly becomes a mind-bogglingly impressive feat.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.