10 Body Horror Movies That Went Too Far

2. Eraserhead

Cabin Fever
Libra Films

Ah, here it is, the one you've all been waiting for: David Lynch's Eraserhead.

Lynch's feature film debut, this picture was years in the making, with the most basic definition of Eraserhead's premise labelling the movie as being about the fear of parenthood.

John Nance's Henry and Charlotte Stewart's Mary X have a baby, but there's head-spinning imagery and general insanity dotted across this 1977 movie. And on that front, nothing is more insane than the eventual reveal of the couple's offspring.

It's the shocking, disfigured visage of that baby that truly made audiences sit up and pay attention to Eraserhead, with it still a hot topic of discussion as to just how exactly Lynch and his team created that child - some speculating that this eerie figure was made using a skinned rabbit or a lamb foetus.

Such striking, warped visuals would go on to become commonplace throughout Lynch's career - with 1980's The Elephant Man an obvious other example of this - and the filmmaker even had an eye for the twisted way before Eraserhead made its way to screens; as shown by the collection of early Lynch shorts that accompanied last year's impressive 4K release of Eraserhead from Criterion.

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Senior Writer

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