10 Bold Predictions For Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 And Beyond

8. Namor Will Get His Own Movie

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has Earth covered with the ground-based heroes like Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye, it has the air covered with the likes of Iron Man, it has other dimensions and realms covered with the likes of Thor and Loki, and it has space covered with the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy. The next natural area for coverage is surely the sea. Namor is the flagship aquatic character for Marvel, in the mould of DC's Aquaman and, added on to the fact that Atlantis seemed to be marked on a map in the background in Iron Man 2, it's hard to see how the Submariner can be left out of future story arcs. It might take a while, but his inclusion is surely a certainty. With so many weird and wonderful beings popping up in the MCU, it's hard to believe that there aren't any in the areas that cover two thirds of the Earth.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.