10 Bonkers Theories Roger Ebert Had About Famous Movies

2. Home Alone 3 Is Better Than 2 & 1

Home Alone 3

What Ebert Said

Incredibly, that Home Alone 3 is better than the two Macaulay Culkin star vehicles, which is just not correct in the slightest. Still, each to their own.

"To my astonishment, I liked the third Home Alone movie better than the first two; I'm even going so far as to recommend it, although not to grownups unless they are having a very silly day."

The Reality

Home Alone 3 is terrible. Seriously, seriously terrible.

It lacks the star quality of Culkin, Pesci and Stern, it isn't as funny as the first two and the traps aren't as effectively entertaining. It's nowhere near the step down in quality that numbers 4 and particularly 5 are, but if this is your favourite Home Alone film, there's really something wrong.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.