10 Books That Should Never Have Been Turned Into Films

8. Captain Corelli's Mandolin

CaptainThe Book: Allegedly (but vehemently denied by the author) based on Italian captain Amos Pampaloni, Corelli€™s Mandolin is a classic wartime tale, but the main draw for audiences was it€™s writing. Graphically describing war in uncomfortable detail, it dealt heavily with lust, passion and true love (quite a contrast don€™t you think). And even though it was just on the page, you€™d believe you were listening to the titular instrument. Why It Shouldn't Have Been Adapted: Of course Hollywood wanted to adapt this; there€™s the Second World War, beautiful Mediterranean locations and the opportunity for some real tragedy. The 2001 version, made by the Oscar nominated John Madden, managed two out of three. Much of the novel€™s heartbreak was lessened, with emotional distance leaving audiences unmoved. The problem with adapting heavyweight books like Mandolin is that they€™re often too extreme to be marketable to the masses, even with big name casting. It€™s a sad paradox, but one that ensures instant classics will have to wait years for a worthy imagining.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.