10 Box Office Flops Much Better Than Their Reputations

2. Children Of Men

children of men
Universal Pictures

Budget: $76 million

Worldwide Gross: $70 million

If nothing else, Children of Men excels as an imaginative and adventurous bit of technical filmmaking. There are multiple one-shot tracking shots throughout the movie, but the most iconic (and pivotal to the story) involves an extended car chase that reads like something from a more realistic version of Mad Max: Fury Road.

Children of Men is gloomy as f--k. Every last bit of hope has pretty much been washed out of this dystopian world where widespread human infertility is leading to an all but certain extinction of mankind. All of these horribly depressing "fun facts" are represented visually by the film's never-ending green and gray color scheme.

Again, this is not a feel-good summer blockbuster, even though it contains its fair share of explosions and gunfights. Despite all those exciting action scenes, Children of Men is much more First Blood than Rambo: First Blood Part II, complete with even more psychological trauma.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.