10 Box Office Flops That Threw Away Stupid Amounts Of Money

7. Jack The Giant Slayer - $101.1 million

Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

Budget: $185 million Box Office: $197.7 million

Thank goodness Bryan Singer is returning to the X-World for this year€™s Days Of Future Past. Since he left pre-production of The Last Stand his career has been undirected, with no development in sight; Superman Returns and Valkyrie weren't bad per se (ignore what the fans screech about the former), but they were unfitting of the director of The Usual Suspects.

Jack The Giant Slayer was a different beast. A gritty re-imagining of the beanstalk fairy tale, it personified a film thrown together from what€™s worked in the past; a plucky up-and-coming actor playing a plucky blank slate hero, Bill Nighy under lots of CGI, a kooky world wrapped in a fake-looking computerised sheen, Ewan McGregor as a sword wielding knight, a well known story reduced to an action spectacle.

Well those things don't a success make, although you feel given the film€™s release in the purgatory between Oscar fare and blockbuster season Warner Bros. knew they were onto a loser.

Did it deserve to flop? The film itself wasn€™t god-awful, but the sub-genre of re-imagined fairy tales is. Seeing one of them fail spectacularly (Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters made a sizable profit thanks to international markets) finally tells studios we€™re not buying it.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.