10 Box Office Hits You Forgot Even Existed

9. Need For Speed

maleficent movie

A basic summary of Need for Speed's plot tells you pretty much everything you need to know about how derivative the movie is; a hotheaded young racer enters a high-speed cross-country race for elite drivers, with the aim of avenging his friend's death at the hands of his mortal nemesis. Who has since shacked up with said driver's ex-girlfriend, and also happens to be said dead friend's sister. Yawn.

Despite the tired nature of the plot, the project still had the potential to deliver some high-octane carnage and impressive practical stunts. Unfortunately, the uninspired direction of Scott Waugh can't even elevate Need for Speed into the realms of B-movie silliness. Its just kind of boring.

Essentially 130 minutes of wall-to-wall (or should that be bumper-to-bumper?) cliches, the movie was nonetheless an early-year box office hit when it was released in March 2014. It may have failed to crack $45m in the States but it did very well overseas, particularly in China. When the dust had settled, Need for Speed was sitting pretty with $203.3m in the bank. Not bad for a movie that escapes your brain the second the credits start rolling.

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